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Saturday, October 1, 2011

IFB Music Standards

In my 40+ years of growing up in church as a child, teen, college student, and now, as a preacher, nothing has brought about more emotions than a message on music.  Whatever music you are listening to had a 99% chance it was evil based upon the message you heard at the time.  If not all the music you listened to in the past week was evil at least one of the songs or artist probably was.  By time the message was over we learned that all "Rock" and "Country" music, whether new or old,  and most any other type of music available is all wrong.  If a song had a certain instrument used in it -- it was wrong.  Start naming people that sing music you soon create a long list of people that you cannot listen to because they are sinful, worldly people.  If the music sounds like any other music that a secular musician produces you cannot use it.  As a child, I learned anything that did not sound like organ music at a funeral was probably evil and even some of those organ songs may be questionable.  As a teenager I chose to listen to some songs that were deemed at best questionable.  I was told as a rebellious teenager that some day when I matured I would find the right music to listen to.

I heard messages about sensual sounds, evil lyrics, evil musicians, hidden messages, devil worshipers and so-called Christians that are tying to copy the world; all these were evil and should be avoided at all cost.  Music albums and tapes were burned on a regular basis.  As a dedicated Christian teenager, in order to avoid doing the wrong thing, one option that some of my close friends chose was to not listen to any music at all.  They determined that in order to be a spiritual Christian there was a long list of things not to do.  All music stopped, all television stopped, all places other than church avoided.  In order to be an active Christian teenager activities such as Bible memory quizzing, door to door outreach, and youth activities became the only acceptable actions for the day.  Without naming names and giving numbers, over 50% of those active Christian teen friends of mine have not stepped into a church in many, many years.  What happened?

Music is God given and powerful in affecting all aspects of mankind by affecting us physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We need music in our lives.  God intended music to be an active part of our lives.  So how do we get music in our lives without it being the "wrong" music?

When I began preaching and the subject of music would come up I battled how to handle the subject because of what I saw growing up.  Whenever I was asked about music from either teens or adults, inevitably I would hear "what is wrong with...?"  The blank would be filled in with either a name of a song or a singer or a style of music.  I began to realize that if I took that approach it would takes days and weeks and maybe even months or forever to go through such a long list. This approach would not even deal with the issue nor make anyone more spiritual.  The problem would then arise on difference of opinions.  Some would even say that good men can disagree on this area; this area is one of those gray areas of the Bible.  The fact is the Bible only deals with absolutes. Truth is truth, right is right and wrong is wrong.  To use the color scheme -- all things are black and white; there is no gray.  There are some things we as mankind do not understand or we have a lack of knowledge; this does not create gray.  Music is not a gray area.  There is not an amoral aspect of music.  Music is God given and Satan imitated.  So how do we know if music is good or bad?  Is there such a thing as good music and bad music? 

What does the Bible say?

The answer to music is actually very simple, though the application is a battle. Music is powerful; it affects the body. Watch a child when music is played and they begin to wiggle and march.  Watch an teen or adult and they move the body in ways you would never see them move without music.  Sometimes the only music they hear is in their head, but you see the body move.  Music effects our soul, mind, will and emotions.  Music helps people remember things. Stores play music to affect our decision making process of buying a product.  How many jingles do you remember from commercials of your childhood?  How many times has music moved you emotionally to cry or laugh or care?  Music is powerful and not neutral.  The Bible tells how music affects us spiritually.  When David played and sang the evil spirit of Saul changed and moved away.  Music reaches down to our spirit and makes an intense affect.  How can we know if music is right?
Ephesians 5:8-21 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)  Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;  Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Before there is any discussion on right music, we must first make sure we are right. When we are filled with the Spirit, music comes out.  When music comes out it leads to right living.  What happens more often is that we start with music our bodies or souls enjoy and then try to make it spiritual.  We justify our music by putting a spiritual twist to it.  We use music others like so we can attract them to church.  If the teens like the music they will show up, then we can reach them spiritually.  The issue remains, are we being Spirit led?  If God is leading you then He would never lead you wrong.  If the Spirit of God is in control of your life then only that which is spiritual will come out.  Give me a person who is Spirit filled and I will show you a person who is showing out good music. If one is not Spirit led and music comes out then I question whether it is good music or not.  But if no music is present, then no Spirit is present. 

Back to those from my teen years.  So many decided to eliminate all music so as to not run the chance of being wrong.  What happened?  No music, no Spirit.  It was not hard then to understand why so many of them are not in church today.  Argue all you want on what is good music and bad music -- without the Spirit it is a mute argument.  When I preach on music, it is always a message about being Spirit filled.

Good music... Spirit led.  Bad Spirit.

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