It seems today that there are more people talking about God. Whether it is the God of the Bible I adhere to or is not the point. I could take time to talk about all the different gods being represented in the world, but if I just take what the Bible says all of these will be addressed.
Two familiar passages of Scriptures will help us in this discussion.
Exodus 20:3, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.We know this as the first commandment in the Ten Commandments. We see it as a command from God not to have any other gods. We have heard it preached as not serving our possessions, power, or prestige. We are not to put our cars, houses, boats, etc. before God. I want to take a different look at this verse. I think it would be good to look at this verse as a statement more than a commandment. A commandment gives the idea that we are to act upon what we are being told. A statement is a matter of fact, and in this case, a truth. If we look at this verse as a statement a great significance if seen. The emphasis is on the words “no other gods.” The fact is there are no other gods. There is only one God. Though humans have been calling rocks, trees, rivers, mountains, statues, people, animals, and others as gods; they are not gods at all. There is no power over anything above what the God of heaven allows. As stated in the Scripture:
Psalms 115:5-8, They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: They have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.
When we start studying the Ten Commandments we should first start with the truth that there are no other god’s before the God of the Bible. There is only one God; our choice is to listen to Him or reject him. We are not just looking for another god as an option. The God of the Bible is supreme above all.
The other passage of Scripture that helps in the conversation is:
Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.
This verse starts our Bible and with that statement we see a number of things. There was no need to prove there is a God or Who He is. The Bible starts with the fact God is. Throughout Scripture we see this truth that God is. He tells Moses to state His name as the “I AM.” Genesis 1:1 greatly teaches this truth. Also, we see in this verse the truth of God’s creation. We see that God creates in Genesis 1:1 three things that are the foundations of all that exists. God created time, “in the beginning”, space, “heaven” and matter, “earth.” Everything we see is in time and in space built by matter. God is greater than His creation; we know that God is not limited by any of these.
Today I want to address that God is greater than time. Since God is greater than time we must not make statements such as, “God in time past or eternity past decided to make His creation." This puts God in some type of time before Genesis 1:1. This makes God smaller than time.
How big is your God? My God is greater than time. He does not exist inside any form of time. We, as a creation of God, will always exist in some type of time forever. My God does not look down through time as a trait of God, neither does He just know all that will happen down through time as a trait of God. My God is greater than time, thus He exists at the end of forever in an ever existing present. God is greater than forever.
How big is your God?
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